Two things set the Q113 loudspeaker project apart from any other I've ever worked on. One is the transparency, where all the reflections, mistakes and successes are laid out for all to see and perhaps be inspired. The other is the opportunity for personal involvement, for anyone who has the desire and courage.
The third leg that keeps the project hovering above the ground is its communication of basic knowledge about speakers and sound. You can thus follow the blog for three different reasons:
Because it's interesting to follow an idea become a product.
Because you want to help in one or more of the activities.
Because you will gain a basic knowledge of sound and speakers.
The development of a loudspeaker can roughly be divided into two halves: a scientific one and an artistic one. The loudspeaker is a technical device and there are a lot of acoustic, electrical and mechanical factors we can measure, simulate, compare, change and improve. The scientific part we need to have an overview of first, because we need to know what we are doing. That is the first discipline. Then comes the artistic half, which is about the sound of the speaker. Even a speaker at a "technically perfect level" can be made in many ways. Some of them don't sound very good, others much better. Therefore, listening, testing, adjusting and evaluating are necessary. An area where everyone can participate.
I've laid out a kind of battle plan that I expect can be adhered to. There are no precise dates set, because there must be room for good and bad surprises in the project. You follow things as they happen. In between, there will be speed. Other times, there will be longer between snaps. Here's the plan.
Part 1 - The scientific half
Acoustic measurements. The first task is to make a series of measurements on the loudspeaker we are going to surpass, namely the System Audio SA2K loudspeaker.
Two competing directions of development. Next, I will select some loudspeaker elements, each of which is a possible candidate for the new "Q113". One type of loudspeaker elements will be based on an evolutionary development direction. That is, a further development of SA2K. The second type should be based on a revolutionary direction. I realize that revolution might be a big term to use, but you probably understand that in this context it means: Speaker elements that have something innovative and exciting to offer compared to the traditions.
Choice of cabinet principle. The available enclosure principles and the advantages and disadvantages of the choice are explained.
Alignment of loudspeaker elements. Before ordering the loudspeaker elements, it should be considered whether a modification is needed to optimise the elements for use in the Q113.
Computer simulation of acoustics of loudspeaker elements in cabinet. The interaction between the selected cabinet design and the selected loudspeaker elements is simulated on the computer and the optimal cabinet volume is found.
Sample cabinets. Two pairs of test cabinets are built. One pair for the evolutionary version of the Q113 and one pair for the revolutionary version.
Acoustic measurements. With the loudspeaker elements mounted in the test cabinets, we will make acoustic measurements.
Simulation of parts filters. Based on the acoustic measurements, we will simulate how the loudspeaker's electronics - the crossover - should be laid out. Then we are ready to assemble the speakers and start listening to them. First, though, the project takes a summer break.
Part 2 - The artistic half
Sample usage. I would like to invite interested parties to listen to the test speakers and give their opinion on the sound.
Comparison. The tests will consist of a comparison between the original SA2K and the evolutionary and revolutionary version of the Q113 loudspeaker.
Trimming. The results of the comparisons and sound evaluations of the two versions of the Q113 will be used to tune the sound balance of the speakers.
Ultimately, it's up to us at SA to pick a winner from the two samples, but we'll take listeners' assessments very seriously. We hope that the listening teams we go seriously to the case when the time comes.
The various listening sessions can be held in a very open environment, if the mood and the possibilities are right. The point is that the more different places the speakers are tested, the better they are "reality tested". Therefore, you can register yourself and your living room as a test site one afternoon or evening, if you own electronics that are qualitatively suitable for testing Loudspeaker Q113 and if you agree to a number of test riders visiting. The number is determined by you. HiFi shop owners who would like to organise a listening session where guests can seriously compare the speakers are also welcome to send me an email. The sample listening sessions will always involve a System Audio A/S staff member attending the entire session and there will be forms to fill out and listening impressions to tick off.
You don't get money for contributing, but you get something else
There is no cost to be active in the project, but you will have the opportunity to meet others with the same interest. You'll get first-hand experience and insight, and the chance to watch a top-class speaker come to life. You will learn about sound and speaker design. My hope is that the openness of the project's existence will bring out people or companies I don't know today. People with skills that can raise the quality of the current project, and will have the opportunity to connect with other people or companies. The development project itself, the engineering part, will be the subject of my blog, which will almost be a serial. When the development project is finished, there will still be work to do on the project that is not obvious engineering work. At that time, the project will probably be finished on and the work will continue internally in System Audio A/S. This is a design phase, where the developed loudspeaker will be shaped. There is an economics phase, where we need to find out what the developed product will cost. There is a preparation phase, where we have to make the loudspeaker suitable for production and just before the actual launch there is a lot of sales and marketing work to do.