SA Room Service is a simple and brilliant way to get a fantastic, deep and clean bass in your living room.
Owners of the Stereo Hub and SA legend silverback speakers can get incredible bass in their music systems with SA Room Service.
It's an App for your iPhone.
The app upgrades the sound from your music system by making acoustics in your living room co-operate with the acoustics of your loudspeakers. In that way you get far better music experiences.
Removes annoying bass
Modern living rooms often suffer from poor acoustics that make the music sound unnatural.
Some living rooms have far too much bass, while others have almost no bass.
Both are annoying to music lovers and the reason is that the room's acoustics are not made for music listening.
The solution is to get the speakers and acoustics in the living room to work together for a balanced and lifelike bass sound.
Uses your iPhone as a measuring device
1 minute. That’s the amount of time Room Service needs to map the acoustics in your living room and calculate a room correction that will enhance your music experiences.
You simply use your iPhone as a digital measuring device and you only need to do the measurement once.
SA Room Service saves the measurement in Stereo Hub to upgrade the sound from all your sources.
Big audible difference
Here is an example of how much room correction means for the sound of a pair of SA legend 5 silverback.
The red curve shows the speaker’s frequency response measured in a living room using the SA Room Service.
(Note, that 6 dB corresponds to doubling of the level of sound)
The speaker in this example plays more than 6 dB too loud in the range between 150 and 300 Hz, which causes a considerable coloring of the sound.
The speaker also plays 6 dB too low between 60 and 100 Hz, which is a big coloration of the sound.
All bass notes (on all types of music) are played either twice as loud or half as loud as they do on the recording.
It’s not the speaker that contributes to this coloration.
It is the acoustics of the room that color the music experience.
The sound is distorted this way, no matter which speakers you put in the room.
The solution is the SA Room Service.
The green curve shows the speakers frequency response after room correction.
That's a big, big upgrade of the sound!
Experience SA Room Service with your own ears
SA Room Service can be used with iPhone 6S and up
Download it here