Ole Witthøft

Play seriously with sound

RAM TWEAKS are sound optimizations that you download from the internet and install in your speakers. You get the opportunity to adjust and trim the sound in ways that have not been possible before.

The technology in our digital Silverback speakers makes it possible to customize the sound in completely new ways.

RAM TWEAKS are digital files that optimize the sound with a variety of advanced technologies. 

Music lovers are familiar with tweaks in analog music systems, where a new cable or amplifier can improve the sound.

Digital tweaks are far more effective and create greater audible differences than tweaks in analog music systems.

You can make the sound bigger and the bass deeper than you've ever heard before. You can make the sound stage more precise. You can optimize the speaker's acoustics if it’s placed close to a wall and you can adjust the sound to the acoustics of your room.

There are many possibilities.

Welcome to a world where you can optimize your music experiences to an extent that has not been possible before.

RAM TWEAKS are free and easy to use.

Update with the latest knowhow

A Silverback speaker has an advanced built-in Digital Signal Processor (DSP) that processes the audio signal and keeps track of all aspects of the sound.

The advanced DSP is an important component of the digital speaker and new technologies are constantly being developed for DSPs.

At System Audio, we want to give you the opportunity to update your music experiences with the latest technology advances.

That's why we invented RAM TWEAKS.

Now you can keep your speakers updated with our latest knowhow and the best sound.

But technology alone does not create a great digital speaker.

Technology can’t stand alone

A truly musical and engaging speaker is more than just technology. The hand-built Silverback drive units are built as a craft with great precision. We can't design a great digital speaker unless we have a superior analog speaker to begin with.

The sound of the speakers and their interpretation of the music is the result of our expert work together with our listening panel. We have created and shaped the sound of the speaker.

Therefore, when you experience the sound of an SA speaker, it is not only the technology you hear. You also hear the result of talented people's passionate sense of sound.


In this respect, RAM TWEAKS is a fascinating tool.

Choose from several ideal solutions

The sound in your room is the result of a teamwork between the acoustics of the speaker and the acoustics of your room. In the bass, we have SA Room Service to create a well-balanced sound, but in other frequencies a different tool is needed.

Some rooms have lots of furniture, others have a few. Some rooms have a warm and friendly sound, while others sound harsh.

That's why we have different RAM TWEAKS for the same speaker.

All RAM TWEAKS are created as ideal solutions, but one of them will fit you and your room perfectly.

These differences are not small

They are big. Tweaks in analog music systems are often so small that only a few can hear them.

RAM TWEAKS takes control and adjusts the sound without coloring the sound or losing quality.


  • Perfect the sound of the speaker
  • Extend the speaker’s frequency range
  • Remove even microscopic coloration of the sound
  • Define the sound balance of the speaker at any given volume
  • Determine the frequency range of each drive unit
  • Control the delay of each frequency
  • Create a transparent and accurate sound stage
  • Reconfigure the speaker from e.g. 2.5-way to 3-way or 4-way
  • Protect the speaker from overload

RAM TWEAKS influence the structure of the sound. The experience of lightness and clarity. The quality of sound when you play at low volume. The energy of the music and rhythmic drive.

Every single tweak has been thoroughly tested. It is built on evidence and documented in a way that far surpasses tweaks in analog music systems.

You are free to choose from the tweaks available to your speaker. You can choose another if a tweak does’nt suit you.

You can change RAM TWEAK in your speakers as often as you like.

We've presented five RAM TWEAKS for (and 5 silverback) and seven RAM TWEAKS for (and 5 silverback) and seven RAM TWEAKS for SA legend 40.2 silverback (and 40 silverback).

In the coming months, we will present RAM TWEAKS to the other Silverback speakers. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the news.

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Ole Witthøft
Ole is the founder of System Audio. His 3 greatest passions are music, design and technology. Every day, Ole is working on some kind of projects, and you find him in the workshop, in the production, behind a computer or on one of his many presentations around the world.
Play seriously with sound | SA

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