Ole Witthøft

This is what cheats you when you buy speakers

Speakers are our great love. That's no secret. In second place are the people who are out looking at them. Unfortunately, they have a tough job.


There is a crucial difference between choosing speakers and, for example, choosing milk, a house, a computer or a refrigerator.


A significant difference that few people are aware of.


You know the milk is fresh because it has a date of manufacture.


You know the house is in order because it has a condition report.


You know that the computer works because it has a specific processor and memory.


And you know the fridge's power consumption because it has a label that tells you.


The two speaker models look similar, so what is the difference? And how do you spot it?


But what do you know about speakers?


Virtually nothing.


In the audio industry, there is no label that describes how good the speaker is.


No grading scale. No stars. No possibility to assess price and quality according to standardized testing methods.


There is no labelling scheme to help you choose.


You are on your own.



What you need to do



First, you need to find a shop that can help.


The best shops allow you to compare the sound of different speakers, and I think you should do that.


The best speakers are the ones that sound the best, and I would encourage you to compare SA with other brands before making your choice.



Do as you do when buying shoes



Try them out. Experience the differences. It may sound trite, but you won't get better advice than this.


Just as your feet are personal, so are your ears, and you may not necessarily prefer the same thing as the people in the shop.


So use your ears.
The differences between speakers are vast, but there's nothing more delicious than finding the ones that pamper your ears.


Subscribe to our blog and get our free 3-step guide on how to (effortlessly) hear the difference between speakers.

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Or find your nearest SA dealer here.


Please feel free to share your experience in the comments section below. Thank you for sharing
Feel free to write me an email at ole@system-audio.com
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Ole Witthøft
Ole is the founder of System Audio. His 3 greatest passions are music, design and technology. Every day, Ole is working on some kind of projects, and you find him in the workshop, in the production, behind a computer or on one of his many presentations around the world.
This is what cheats you when buying speakers | SA

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