Ole Witthøft

Free yourself from wires and hassle. Choose the best wireless speaker on the market


Do you know this? You come home. You hear music through headphones. You take the headphones off and now the music continues to play through the speakers in the living room.


SA saxo 5 active is created over the same successful formula that created the award-winning SA saxo 1 active.


Few people have experienced it, but life is that simple with SA wireless speakers.


We're not talking: Find wire - press button - turn another button - put phone in docking station and after a long struggle the sound comes out of the speakers.


We're not talking about plastic sound that makes the music sound like a Smurf orchestra either.


We're talking about this. Seconds after you walk in the door, the music wirelessly pours out of the speakers in delicious quality, voted Best of the Year by test magazines.


Without having to deal with the technicalities.





This year's wireless speaker is available in both white and black. See SA saxo 5 active here


You only need speakers


To achieve this, you need (so-called) active wireless speakers from SA.


Nothing else. No other appliances.


The speakers have all the necessary features built in, so you don't need anything other than the speakers to have a complete wireless music system.


One of the speakers also has a connection panel at the back where you can connect devices that transmit sound by cable (e.g. TV, CD, DVD, games console, etc.).


The speakers come with a handy remote control, but on a day-to-day basis you control the speakers via the media you are playing the music from.


i.e. smartphone, tablet or computer.


7-year logo

Free 7-year warranty


The great sound is just one of the pleasures of SA. Durability is also high on users' lists.


We give without further ado 7 years free factory warrantyand you can get it by simply registering on our website.


Free yourself from hassle. Get better sound today. Buy SA saxo 5 active
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Ole Witthøft
Ole is the founder of System Audio. His 3 greatest passions are music, design and technology. Every day, Ole is working on some kind of projects, and you find him in the workshop, in the production, behind a computer or on one of his many presentations around the world.
Free yourself from wires and hassle. Choose the best wireless speaker on the market | SA

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