System Audio legend 5 silverback

Danish company System Audio took an entirely logical approach with the legend 5 silverback speakers: they’re active, with dedicated amplification for each drive unit, and become wireless when you add the full function Stereo Hub or third-party transmitter. Operation using WISA technology to avoid interference and carrying sound up to 192kHz/24-bit, the system can connect to a wide range of sources, from a digital connection from a computer to TV sound. It also has multiple streaming options, from DLNA/UPnP to GoogleCast, AirPlay and Bluetooth. It’s a beautifully elegant, and fine-sounding, wire-free music solution.

SA legend 5 silverback | SA

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System Audio A/S
Langebjerg 35A
4000 Roskilde. Denmark
CVR no. 13862788
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