Ole Witthøft

Read this if your Stereo Hub is frozen in firmware version 15235?

In January 2022, all Stereo Hubs was updated but a small number of them stayed in firmware version 15235.

These hubs need a little help to start updating again.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Follow this manual
  2. Download and install this file in Stereo Hub with a USB-stick

Stereo Hub will then automatically update to the latest version. Stereo Hub is not going to need any help to update itself in the future.

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Ole Witthøft
Ole er System Audio's grundlægger. Hans 3 store passioner er musik, teknologi og design. Ole er altid dybt begravet i nye projekter, og han færdes både i modelværkstedet, på lageret, bag computeren eller på alverdens bonede gulve.
Read this if your Stereo Hub is frozen in firmware version 15235? | SA

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